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Coronavirus: el drama a las puertas de los hospitales en India ante la falta de oxígeno

Con 314.835 nuevos casos de coronavirus en las últimas 24 horas, India superó el récord mundial de nuevos contagios de covid-19 en un día desde que comenzó la pandemia.

El país está sumido en una feroz segunda ola de contagios, y una grave escasez de oxígeno está acrecentando los temores en torno al sistema de salud, que se encuentra saturado.

Este video muestra la impotencia y el dolor que sienten los familiares de enfermos a las puertas de un hospital de la capital, Delhi.

Kenyan Ladies' Soccer Clubs' Goal to Reduce Teen Pregnancy

As teenage pregnancies soared during coronavirus lockdowns in Africa's largest urban slum, Kibera, teachers and parents looked for a way to reduce the problem. Their idea was to form a women's football (soccer) club, to direct their energy in a healthy way, and they became so good they are about to join Kenya's professional women's soccer league.

Deadly blast at Pakistan hotel hosting China ambassador

Quetta (Pakistan) (AFP) – Ambulances arrive at the scene of a blast in Quetta after a bomb exploded at a top hotel hosting the Chinese ambassador in southwestern Pakistan, killing at least four people and leaving a dozen others wounded.

Court proceedings against 5G ban on Huawei begin in Stockholm

A Swedish administrative court on Wednesday started proceedings to decide whether its telecom regulator's ban on China's tech giant Huawei from the country's 5G networks was lawful. The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) announced on Oct. 20, 2020 that products from Huawei would not be allowed in the future Swedish 5G networks.

Foreign student shares experience of vaccination in Wuhan by vlog

An international student from Brazil shared his experience of getting the coronavirus vaccine in central Chinese city Wuhan, which once was hit hard by COVID-19.Luiz Filipe Botelho Esmeraldo, an international student at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, has been in the city for two years.

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