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Whitty: rise of cases can still remain modest as lockdown eases

Whitty: rise of cases can still remain modest as lockdown eases England’s Chief Medical Officer Pr Chris Whitty is confident the rise of covid cases will be ‘modest’ if nation follows the rules amidst the easing of the lockdown, with Sir Patrick Vallance adding vaccination immunity takes 3 weeks to ‘crew’.

Suez Canal ship Ever Given fully refloated by salvage crews

Suez Canal ship Ever Given fully refloated by salvage crews The Suez Canal saga was nearing its end today after the container ship blocking the channel was set free and towed up the waterway by a fleet of tugboats, nearly a week after causing a traffic jam that strangled global trade.

Professor Chris Whitty: Wall of vaccinated people is ‘leaky’

Professor Chris Whitty: Wall of vaccinated people is ‘leaky’ England’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty has said that Britain’s ‘wall of vaccination’ against Covid is ‘leaky’ because jabs aren’t 100 per cent effective and millions have still yet to be fully inoculated.

Boris Johnson confirms UK production of Novavax jabs

Boris Johnson confirms UK production of Novavax jabs Boris Johnson confirms production of Novavax coronavirus vaccines will take place in the North East ahead of its predicted approval for use. The Prime Minister also announced a deal with GlaxoSmithKline to ‘finish and bottle’ in the same region.

Reflotado el carguero Ever Given en el Canal de Suez

El carguero Ever Given quedó liberado tras seis días encallado en el Canal de Suez, durante los que bloqueó una de las rutas comerciales más importantes del planeta.

El parón le costó al canal entre US$14-15 millones al día, alteró la cadena mundial de suministros y elevó el coste del transporte de petróleo.

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