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The Update by Newstag

Biden demands Myanmar military ‘relinquish power’ – New CDC director speaks about COVID death numbers – AP-NORC Poll: Americans open to Biden crisis plan – Australian Open to go ahead despite Covid-19 case in Melbourne

The Update by Newstag

New CDC director speaks about COVID death numbers – Immigrants in sanctuary hope Biden offers relief – AP-NORC Poll: Americans open to Biden crisis plan – Australian Open to go ahead despite Covid-19 case in Melbourne

Cómo envejece nuestro sistema inmunitario y cómo ralentizar el proceso

El sistema inmunitario, es el arma principal de nuestro cuerpo a la hora defenderse del SARS-CoV-2, ha cobrado un protagonismo inesperado en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus.

Al igual que cualquier otra parte del cuerpo, el sistema inmune envejece con los años, y esto nos deja más vulnerables a las infecciones, al cáncer y a todo tipo de enfermedades.

Sin embargo, la edad del sistema inmunitario no coincide necesariamente con nuestra edad real. Y en la medida en que nos volvemos mayores, esta discrepancia puede hacerse aún más amplia.

En este video te contamos cómo ocurre este proceso y cómo frenarlo.

The Update by Newstag

Immigrants in sanctuary hope Biden offers relief – US aims to expand hunt for coronavirus variants – AP-NORC Poll: Americans open to Biden crisis plan – Australian Open to go ahead despite Covid-19 case in Melbourne

Courteville FY earnings with CEO Adeobal Akindele

As the earnings season continues, we are joined by the Managing Director and CEO of Courteville Business Solution, Adeobal Akindele to give us some guidance on the company's 2020 result and for an outlook for the first quarter of the year.

New wave of assassinations silencing voices in Afghanistan

Kabul (AFP) – Journalists, religious scholars, activists and judges have all been targeted in a recent wave of political assassinations that has spread panic across Afghanistan and forced many into hiding — with some even fleeing the country. The killings have increased since peace talks were launched last year between the warring Afghan government and the Taliban — the latest attempt to end decades of conflict.

Biden Announces Diplomacy Shift in Yemen

President Joe Biden visited the State Department Thursday and outlined his vision for U.S. foreign policy, ordering an end to U.S. support for offensive military operations in Yemen and an overall shift toward diplomacy. VOA's Diplomatic Correspondent Cindy Saine reports.

'Hold out a little longer' asks Merkel as vaccination programme begins to have an effect

Germany : The country is weighing the possibility of easing its lockdown given the decline in the number of cases and the reduced pressure on hospitals. It will depend on the vaccination rate and the degree of circulation of the new virus variants. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that despite Germany going through its most difficult time in the fight against the virus, she can see a light at the end of the tunnel: "I said at the beginning of the winter that this would be the hardest time for us, and that's how it turned out.

Man finds $250,000 pearl stuck to an old ball

By chance, a struggling fisherman from Thailand’s Nakhon Si Thammarat province discovered a rare melo melo pearl while collecting seashells at a local beach on January 27. The pearls are known to fetch up to $250,000, and are particularly treasured in Asian markets.

Thick foam invades several beaches in Argentina

Several beaches at one of Argentina’s most popular tourist destinations were covered in unusually thick foam on Wednesday. Footage captured in Mar del Plata shows undeterred beachgoers enjoying the strange phenomenon.

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